
深圳市安博体育官方下载成立于2002年,工厂生产面向国内外客户; 并于2008年开始,安博体育注册专注于定制经典现代家具的研发与生产。凭借完善的生产线(实木、板式、五金、软体、玻璃钢等),安博体育注册网址可为客户开发及生产多种类型的家具,最大程度满足客户的要求。

Established in 2002, Weinuoya started manufacturing for international and domestic clients. Since 2008, we had focused our expertise in developing and producing contemporary designer furniture. Expertized in several aspects with facilities for solid wood, plywood, metal, upholstery, and fiberglass, we are sure we will be able to provide you all the OEM furniture services you required.
